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micOrologiko.ittoday19 Ottobre 2021 325
Zenith: il marchio che ha realizzato il calibro cronografico piu' iconico "El Primero" ed alcuni dei diver piu' belli! #Orologiko.it – P8 S3 - Autore: Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 24 Febbraio 2022 at 16:11 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/48155611/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fproduction%2Fexports%2F2921a254%2F48155611%2Fb1342f9e42026da9344039c920785fe3.m4a Roberto Trombetta, autore del libro ' il tempo dei treni' ci racconta la storia di questo storico marchio #Orologiko.it – P7 S3 - Autore: Roberto Trombetta Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 3 Febbraio 2022 at 18:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/46381040/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fproduction%2Fexports%2F2921a254%2F46381040%2F2c9d2d1687a309e65ccafe60a11051c1.m4a Radio, trizio, luminova e superluminova, ciò che illumina i vostri orologi al buio #Orologiko.it – P6 S3 - Autore: Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 30 Dicembre 2021 at 8:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/44933178/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-12-16%2F659588e6c13789a86aa1d79d6b94b70e.m4a Gli autori del libro "Russian Collectible Watches" ci parleranno dell'orologeria russa, poca conosciuta e spesso ignorata. #Orologiko.it – P5 S3 - Autore: Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 16 Dicembre 2021 at 8:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/44933115/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-12-16%2F730c997c77bc300a97f4fffd371af512.m4a Casi e corrispondenze casse e macchinari in casa Longines #Orologiko.it – P4 S3 - Autore: Antonino Imbesi (Grifisx) di Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 2 Dicembre 2021 at 8:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/43419778/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-11-16%2F160112fefbc752a4d9010abb6baec7ba.m4a Educazione al collezionismo degli orologi vintage e moderni #Orologiko.it – P3- S3 Autore: Mario Bali'(AssiEBilancieri) di Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 18 Novembre 2021 at 8:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/43419681/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-11-16%2F6fd30efa6c60eb0ac77c6e98a139236e.m4a A caccia nei mercatini con MDMVintageOrologi #Orologiko.it – P2- S3 - Autore: Mariano (MDMVintageOrologi) di Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 4 Novembre 2021 at 18:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/42124681/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-10-21%2Fdb1898f5c68d3e3b6c99749a26edef95.m4a Gli orologi militari della seconda guerra mondiale #Orologiko.it - P1- S3 - Autore: Giorgio (CipSter) di Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 21 Ottobre 2021 at 15:57 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/42124355/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-10-21%2F0fb704d10236373230000c88d68600e4.m4a
Seiko : dal primo quarzo alla conquista dello spazio #Orologiko.it - P28 - S2 - Autore: Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 24 Giugno 2021 at 8:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/36616542/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-07-03%2F6a8f9be831815159c6f268c8af2788ba.m4a Panerai: il marchio italiano protagonista della Seconda guerra mondiale #Orologiko.it - P27 - S2 - Autore: Giorgio (Cipster) di Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 17 Giugno 2021 at 8:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/36616418/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-07-03%2F9448a16923b025418eb569740143bfdd.m4a Collezionare orologi: Da cosa mi conviene iniziare? Che tipologia di orologi mi conviene acquistare? #Orologiko.it - P26 - S2 - Autore: Tonino Imbesi (Grifisx) di Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 9 Giugno 2021 at 22:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/35009665/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-06-07%2Fdefbb10131f77d750f74a9da4d7964b8.m4a La rinascita di un marchio storico: Nivada Grenchen #Orologiko.it - P25 - S2 - Autore: Nicola di Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 3 Giugno 2021 at 16:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/34132549/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-05-24%2F60e3db15b157374065ceb5e13e554b27.m4a Movado: uno degli atelier orologieri più signorili ed eleganti del mondo #Orologiko.it - P24 - S2 - Autore: Nicola di Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 27 Maggio 2021 at 18:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/33681017/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-05-17%2Fb61d2e4c76b5df6c14fcdcbab611a89e.m4a Philip Watch Caribbean: l’orologio preferito dai corallari - #Orologiko.it - P23 - S2 - Autore: Nicola di Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 20 Maggio 2021 at 14:02 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/33680696/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-05-20%2F5783f5626b18fb4ee149006fb0df0a7d.m4a Bulova: un marchio rivoluzionario - #Orologiko.it - P22 - S2 - Autore: Nicola di Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 13 Maggio 2021 at 13:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/32802570/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-05-04%2F6d8af56d98dc2862d958df38de80832c.m4a Gli orologi ferroviari raccontati da Roberto Trombetta - #Orologiko.it - P21 - S2 - Autore: Roberto Trombetta (Alias Perseo) di Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 6 Maggio 2021 at 13:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/32802284/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-05-07%2F1a6ae574f70f1913bb12c600f29930d0.m4a La storia di Certina e del suo diver di punta : il modello DS - #Orologiko.it - P20 - S2 - Autore: Nicola (alias Nicoidrasus85) di Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 22 Aprile 2021 at 7:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/31792731/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-04-27%2Fc6d98ff3d749fb2c24f1ff263336422d.m4a La storia del primo orologio da polso subacqueo al mondo: Omega Marine - #Orologiko.it - P19 - S2 - Autore: Mauro (alias Artax69) di Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 15 Aprile 2021 at 7:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/31244978/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-04-20%2F2eaea6516b7e00efd9c32af37dfed5b5.m4a La storia di un marchio legato alla storia italiana: Wyler Vetta - #Orologiko.it - P18 - S2 - Autore: Nicola (alias Nicoidrasus85) di Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 8 Aprile 2021 at 14:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/30963944/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-04-14%2F98b5f85ba68af0b735b61b50d30a6d63.m4a Aquastar e Squale - #Orologiko.it - P17 - S2 - Autore: Nicola (alias Nicoidrasus85) Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 1 Aprile 2021 at 9:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/30327603/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-04-12%2Fdd888c5bf1761755d03e53c67422165c.m4a La luminescenza nei quadranti vintage, tra radioattività e disinformazione. - #Orologiko.it - P16 - S2 - Presenta Tonino Imbesi (alias Grifisx) Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 25 Marzo 2021 at 9:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/29745097/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-04-12%2F0dce554fe35602b831e1b985bc8a51ed.m4a La storia di Longines e del modello Diver - #Orologiko.it - P15 - S2 - condotto da Nicola (alias Nicoidrasus85) Forumista di Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 18 Marzo 2021 at 13:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/29210362/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-04-12%2F108700d6d9301af2a5f1a80bab02687c.m4a La storia di Eterna e del modello Kontiki - #Orologiko.it - P14 - S2 - condotto da Nicola (alias Nicoidrasus85) Forumista di Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 11 Marzo 2021 at 9:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/29007078/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-04-12%2F9ac1032a28f8e4098e2d3b3eb12819ff.m4a Collezionismo di orologi vintage: tre tipologie di quadranti - #Orologiko.it - P13 - S2 - condotto da Tonino Imbesi (alias Grifisx) Forumista di Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 18 Febbraio 2021 at 17:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/26897020/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-04-12%2F61b4214ab387ce2a073e2704b7abf706.m4a Collezionismo di orologi: andare oltre l'oggetto - #Orologiko.it - P12 - S2 - condotto da Tonino (alias Grifisx) Forumista di Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 11 Febbraio 2021 at 12:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/26388555/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-04-12%2F9ae20b186adcc765d515c5ed16c837c3.m4a Ha senso comprare oggi un orologio meccanico vintage? - #Orologiko.it - P11 - S2 - condotto da Nicola (alias Nicoidrasus85) Forumista di Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 4 Febbraio 2021 at 9:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/26161084/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-04-12%2Fb5e8ba6df7d470151110e182cc0ba540.m4a Che tipo di collezionista sei? - #Orologiko - P10 - S2 - condotto da AssiEBilancieri (alias MarioBali) Forumista di Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 28 Gennaio 2021 at 18:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/26160936/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-04-12%2F1022e8a5e1b0e387915a77f43445f2ce.m4a Intervista ad Andrea Coppola - #Orologiko - P9 - S2 - Autore: Glauco (alias AsiaAzzura) con Andrea Coppola (alias Soyuz) Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 10 Dicembre 2020 at 9:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/25081880/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-04-12%2F82a4a3ed21ce35b51cc22c90f3a9d4a3.m4a Gli orologi impermeabili: la nascita e l’evoluzione - #Orologiko - P8 - S2 - Autore: Mauro (alias Artax69) Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 3 Dicembre 2020 at 9:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/25081818/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-04-12%2F1397caf284fdb0c1bf67b3368b66442d.m4a Collezionare Orologi Vintage: perché? - #Orologiko - P7 - S2 - Autore: Cosimo (alias IlNew) Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 19 Novembre 2020 at 9:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/25081781/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-04-12%2Fcd1179f4cdcd7a0d270a475372b6f68b.m4a Evoluzione delle casse degli orologi da polso dagli iniziii del 900 agli anni 30 : 2 parte - #Orologiko - P6 - S2 - Autore: Tonino (alias Grifisix) Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 12 Novembre 2020 at 15:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/22821137/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-04-12%2F832dae88c974f28cf470f699cb67d30a.m4a Il mondo Rolex - #Orologiko - P5 - S2 by GorgoRadio on 5 Novembre 2020 at 8:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/22476399/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-04-12%2Fffe3cefe616e956b242df9881d77c766.m4a Orologeria sovietica: 3 parte - #Orologiko - P4 - S2 by GorgoRadio on 29 Ottobre 2020 at 11:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/22141216/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-04-12%2F1364fc1ce93881b69a95a1359c3f6dd5.m4a Orologeria sovietica: 2 parte - #Orologiko - P3 - S2 by GorgoRadio on 22 Ottobre 2020 at 9:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/21906411/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-04-12%2F724f929348f1f1aa9038e89fc6583482.m4a Orologeria sovietica: 1 parte - #Orologiko - P2 - S2 by GorgoRadio on 15 Ottobre 2020 at 9:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/21470189/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-04-12%2F18d22862665754800ba4bc7e3a838c27.m4a Evoluzione delle casse degli orologi da polso dagli anni 30 agli anni 60 - #Orologiko - P1 - S2 - Autore: Cosimo (alias IlNew) Orologiko.it by GorgoRadio on 8 Ottobre 2020 at 8:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/21147217/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-04-12%2F454a814ea156b97fdee682ad13f08ce8.m4a
Come nasce la passione per l’orologeria ? - #Orologiko.it - P4 - S1 by GorgoRadio on 3 Agosto 2020 at 10:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/16497474/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-04-12%2Fca37ad7fca9717e491409fbab10b2ba9.m4a Un orologio sulla luna - Omega Speedmaster “Moonwatch” - #Orologiko.it - P3 - S1 by GorgoRadio on 2 Luglio 2020 at 15:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/16187817/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-04-12%2F12120d64f63b9f9d9b5a64fa5d19b6b8.m4a La storia della nascita di una passione per gli orologi - #Orologiko - P2 - S1 by GorgoRadio on 25 Giugno 2020 at 13:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/15865707/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-04-12%2F47ca130bee6dfbd490489156db194c07.m4a Esiste veramente la "bolla" dei ROLEX ? - #Orologiko.it - P1 - S1 by GorgoRadio on 18 Giugno 2020 at 15:00 Your browser does not support the audio element. But you can check this for the original link: https://anchor.fm/s/2921a254/podcast/play/15865624/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2021-04-12%2Fa93e2b80a3035716e05ef0e085354715.m4a
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